How To Use the Metronome
The metronome is a great device for practicing new techniques and tunes at a variety of tempos.
As you practice the exercises taught in the course, start with the slowest speed where you can play a maintain good timing. If you are unable to do this at any speed, then that’s simply an indication that more work needs to be done to learn the particular exercise, so that the movements become automatic.
Increase the tempo once you can play solidly and with good timing, if desired, but resist the temptation to quickly move to faster and faster tempos. It’s far valuable for you to learn to play at a steady tempo with good timing at slower speeds than it is to progress to faster tempos. Speed ultimately comes from the movements of your arms becoming automatic, which you can develop at any tempo.
In the player below, you can toggle to different metronome settings by clicking on the playlist icon in the upper left corner.